Ghost Tours 2025
Watch for Fall dates to be announced!
Hear Stories (in Small Groups) of Actual Experiences Visitors have had in the Jail
Jail is dimply lit - creepy in the daytime & even creepier after dark!
NOT a "haunted house"
* Doors open at 6:00pm
* Tours leave every 15 minutes
* Last tour leaves at 9:00pm
Admission $15
Parking for Ghost Tours is available at Immaculate Conception Church (lot across the street) about a block from the Jail, we ask you please make a donation to the church when buying your tickets

No Children Under 12 & NO DOGS
More Details Below
Ghost Tour Details

For the Ghost Tour...
* All tickets sold AT THE DOOR.
* No advanced tickets.
* No online/phone sales.
Just come wait in line.
*All Sales Final - No refunds
*When we are sold out, we will not allow anymore to join the line...
* the last tour will leave at 9pm so please don't wait to come get in line
* Restrooms only available after your tour, so please try to plan ahead
* Cameras & Cell Phone Cameras Only
* No Ghost Hunting Equipment Permitted
* No Parking in our small lot during Ghost Tours
* No on-street Parking.
* Parking available in the Church lot 1/2 block up & ACROSS the street from the jail with donation. ( Please make donation at Jail when buying your tickets)
* Parking available at kiosks downtown or park in the County Lot behind the Train Station (off Rt 209) & it's a gradual uphill walk 5 blocks to the jail
Yes... we have Ghosts! Friendly Ghosts, that is!
They usually make their presence known to people who are not looking for them:)
And.. sometimes they can make their presence known on regular daytime tours!
Ghosts don't only come out at night...
Will you be the lucky one to have a ghost find you?